Learn & Discover

Tidal Bore Presentations

10 Bendview Court, adjacent to the Treitz Haus

If you’ve never experienced the tidal bore in Moncton, head down to Bore Park (adjacent to the Treitz Haus) for one of the best views!  

About 30 minutes before the scheduled arrival of the daytime bore (between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) during the months of July and August, someone from team Resurgo will be on site to provide information about this interesting phenomenon!

Tidal Bore Presentations

Did you know?

A tidal bore is a tidal phenomenon in which the leading edge of an incoming tide forms a standing wave of water that travels upstream, against the current of a river or narrow bay. The tidal bore in Moncton is caused when the unparalleled tides in the Bay of Fundy begin to make their way up the historic Petitcodiac River. The Bay of Fundy is home to the highest tides in the world and over 100 billion tonnes of water comes in and out of the bay each day!

This incredible natural phenomenon can be best viewed from Bore Park (10 Bendview Court) in downtown Moncton

Twice daily, observers can watch the tidal bore as this incoming rush of water overtakes the outgoing tide in the formerly placid river. On average, the height of the bore ranges from 0.5 to 1 metre.

Tidal bore arrival predictions are available thanks to the Government of Canada.

Bore Park Presenttaions